Are Pensioners Eligible For Free Boiler Schemes?
Are Pensioners Eligible For Free Boiler Schemes?
In the 21st century it is hard to believe that so many homes in England are living in fuel poverty. People living in our communities across the country, are struggling to afford to heat their home and are living in cold damp homes.
There is funding available for free boiler replacements and insulation, to help pensioners as well as low-income families and others who are on means tested benefits, to reduce energy bills. In this blog, we discuss how pensioners could be eligible for free boiler schemes.
What is Fuel Poverty?
According to the government’s Annual Fuel Poverty Statistics, 13% of households in England (3.17 million) were deemed to be living in fuel poverty in 2023.
A household is classed as being in fuel poverty if the household’s energy efficiency rating is Band D or below and their disposable income is below the poverty line.
The government fuel poverty target is to ensure that as many fuel poor homes achieve a minimum energy efficiency rating of Band C by 2030, with a focus on the installation of energy efficiency measures including insulation and boiler replacements.
What Free Boiler Schemes are There?
The government are looking to tackle fuel poverty through energy efficiency initiatives. One initiative, is the Energy Company Obligation, the latest iteration known as ECO4. The Energy Company Obligation is designed to help save money on householder’s energy bills, reduce carbon emissions, and help the environment.
The Energy Company Obligation is an obligation placed by the government on to the energy companies to provide funding to qualifying households, for energy efficiency measures such as boiler replacements, heat pumps and insulation.
Additionally, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme offers grants to cover part of the cost of replacing old fossil fuelled heating systems with more efficient ones, like heat pumps or biomass boilers.
How Do I Qualify For ECO Funding?
If you are a low-income household on certain means-tested benefits and credits, you may be eligible for funding through the Energy Company Obligation.
You may also qualify depending on the Local Authority area you live in. Local Authority Flex (LA Flex) is part of the Energy Company Obligation scheme. Your Local Authority can use flex to extend the criteria and help address specific needs of their residents.
To qualify for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, you must own your home, be located in England and Wales, have a current fossil fuel heating system and have a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).
Check out the full eligibility criteria for each scheme on the GOV.UK webpages:
• Help from your energy supplier: the Energy Company Obligation - GOV.UK
• Apply for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme: Check if you're eligible - GOV.UK
Will a Boiler Replacement Save Me Money on My Energy Bills?
You could also benefit from:
- Savings on your energy bills
- More efficient heating
- Helps to reduce your carbon footprint
- Improved living conditions which are vital to health and wellbeing.
Around one-third of the heat loss from most homes is through the walls and a quarter of heat is lost through the roof of an uninsulated home. It is recommended to ensure your home is adequately insulated, with loft insulation and cavity wall insulation for example, to maximise the benefits of any boiler or heating system you have installed.
You May Be Missing Out on Pension Credit
According to a report compiled by Independent Age, it is estimated that more than 4 in 10 pensioner households (couples or single people) who are entitled to Pension Credit do not receive it.
Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if you are over the State Pension age and on a low income.
You can visit Age UK for independent advice, to find out more about what pension credit is and how you could qualify. If you are eligible, Pension Credit will not only give you a bit of extra cash, but it could also help you get other benefits too.
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